
Sunday, March 06, 2022


Interesting weekend in Florida. I got to strut around in shorts in March and get a weird hand-shaped sunburn, so a lot was exactly as I had intended. I also got a weird lecture about street crime in Chicago from a grocery store bagger, so some things were unexpected. Can't a guy just buy an absurd number of hard seltzers in peace?

We went to the beach, where the water was cold but the overheard political takes were hot, and grabbed lunch at a beachfront dive where the waitress had a thick Maine accent for some reason and told us about her friend "Judy No Booty," also for some reason. You can tell it was a five star establishment because it had just one restroom, prominently featuring a sign that warned patrons not to flush their tampons. I'm not sure if that's a masculine gaze or just poor plumbing.

Our AirBNB was fine, although hardly at the level we got spoiled with last year in Palm Springs. The front door had an electric lock that kept randomly not working, leaving us to choose between calling the management company six dozen times and just leaving it open. I did not feel comfortable with the latter, despite the strong assurances about Florida crime I received at the local Publix. The pool kept filling up with leaves, too, although fortunately I found the process of skimming it to be very Zen. To the extent that even means anything, I guess. 

Anyway, nice to get away, and even better to get back. There are very things I enjoy doing so much that I don't prefer to stop doing them.

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