
Monday, July 04, 2022

One Month Later... 

I kind of forgot I had a blog again. I mean, it did occur to me occasionally, but it was usually when I was driving somewhere or on the treadmill or in the middle of the grocery store or something, so not at optimal times to post. Today, America's Birthday (not Ferrera), turned out to be optimal, I guess? We're not doing anything other than counseling the dogs through their increasing terror of fireworks, so I have a hot sec. 

It's been a busy time! We went under contract on our old place, closed on the new place, and moved about a week and a half ago. Since then we've kind of been lifting things and cleaning things and forgetting where we put things full time. I forgot how much work this is! I would say the last box is now unpacked, but that's kind of not true because I have a box of miscellaneous things I didn't know what to do with that I just shoved into a closet upstairs. But we've got art on the walls, groceries in the fridge, and we had our first guests other than movers and maintenance guys last night. So we've made progress.

The new place is great, as we pretty much knew it would be. Lots more space, huge kitchen, great decks for entertaining. Our plan is to fill it slowly so we buy furniture we actually like as opposed to just whatever we see when we feel a desperate need for an ottoman. So it is a little weird to have a third floor with practically nothing in it, other than the wine fridge and a bunch of bar paraphernalia, but hey, at least that leaves room for that miscellaneous box. I'm definitely going to want that Good Morning America baseball signed by Diane Sawyer some day, right?

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