
Sunday, July 10, 2022

Two In a Row! 

This post is for the purpose of making a post and thereby doing about the minimum that can be expected of a blogger for two weeks in a row. Having accomplished that purpose with just that first sentence, I could sign off and go have a Zima or something, but I've got a truly generous heart, so I'll keep going.

It continues to be busy! I've got a huge project at work right now that I've literally spent most of my weekend on, when everyone knows that weekends are for eating Tex Mex and trying to remember what you used to watch on Netflix. I did make a trip to Best Buy (!) earlier today to buy a landline cable (!!) in a fruitless attempt to get our front intercom working (!!!), but one can't expect that kind of extravagant enjoyment from every aspect of one's life. 

I also went to my friend's disco-themed event at a bar on Friday. That was a huge deal for me because it did not even start until 9 PM! Normally 10 PM (when Murder, She Wrote comes on) is bedtime. So I drank too much and may be common law married to a colorful bartender in a tube top. But my Uber receipt proved I was out until 1:45 AM! In truth, I regret everything.

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