
Sunday, August 14, 2022

Now Exclusively a Celebrity Gossip Blog 

Not really, but I'm sorry, now I can't let the Anne Heche story go by without comment.

First of all, condolences to everyone. Except the guy at the wig shop who has now been on every major network talking about how nice and normal Anne seemed as she bought a red wig off the top shelf and declined his offer to wash it or even dust if off before taking it with her. He's gotten his 15 minutes of fame off this and that's all I'm giving him. I'm particularly glad to hear the turtle belonging to the lady whose house got driven into survived. Because you know it wasn't making a quick getaway.

Second, did you see the clip where the paparazzi asked Ellen DeGeneres if she had spoken to Anne since the accident? As in, while she was in a coma? That would have been a pretty scintillating conversation. Though obviously they would have a lot to discuss since they haven't been together for like two decades. Do better, paps.

Third, that Ring camera footage is wild. I didn't even think Mini Coopers could go that fast. Ideally they wouldn't achieve that speed as they plow into residences, but still. I feel like there's some kind of brand building opportunity here.

Finally, I heard a report that right after the crash a guy was trying to help her get out of the wreckage and asked how she was doing, and she responded "I've been better." I'll admit I never expected such casual understatement from the woman who wandered up to a stranger's house in the desert and asked to take a shower and watch a movie. In so many ways, though, she was all of us. 

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