
Sunday, October 23, 2022

Pros and Cons 

The weather in Chicago this weekend has been absolutely amazing. I cannot, of course, complain about this. I got to run outside, which makes exercise seem so much more palatable, and we spent some time on our friends' roof with their fire table, which in retrospect really called for ghost stories that we somehow did not tell. We also got a lot done around the house; Ian finally used the leaf blower thing he bought and I said he would never use, and I assembled a set of cabinets for my office space. 

The downside may be that I will perhaps not be able to walk normally for a few days. Between all of the running and the four hours on the floor working on furniture, my back has become bitter and resentful, and I am currently lying on a heating pad in the bedroom trying not to move. (Typing doesn't count.) My legs aren't too happy either, frankly. This is an aspect of aging that I am absolutely not delighted with. During law school, I ran at least three miles every day and always felt pretty fine. Now I have have to limit myself to three days a week or digest my weight in Ibuprofen. (While we're at it, why is it that I used to be able to get loaded every weekend and eat a fourth meal at 3 AM without gaining a pound, while today I bloat up just looking at cheese?) 

Anyway, I have no regrets, bedridden though I may be. I just need to get my hands on a little bell to ring to summon Ian for my various requests.

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