
Saturday, January 07, 2023

2023 Preview 

A new year! So exciting! Here are some of the things I'm most looking forward to:

-- The gas fireplace system we're getting installed in our family room. The previous owners left us with a manual for such a system, but no system. As much as I love a mystery, I prefer warmth. 

-- Our new couch! We ordered it in August and it's supposed to finally arrive on Tuesday! I've fully forgotten what it's supposed to look like!

-- Performing again. I'm doing some lawyer shows in February, and writing a new show of my own. Note that I don't say I'm looking forward to the writing. That's just for masochists.

-- Being able to drink again in March. I totally don't have an alcohol problem and am doing fine. But I'm not a martyr.

-- Not moving. Seriously, that was so much work. Let's never do it again.

-- Going to St. Thomas. One of Ian's friends is renting a house there for a group of us this spring and it looks amazing. I'll probably spend at least half the trip working remotely, but at least I'll be doing it in the sun!

-- Lisa Rinna not being on RHOBH. Maybe I'll actually start watching regularly again? Actually they'd probably have to lose a few more cast members for that. But just knowing she's not there will be nice for me.

-- Summer. I just like summer. Again, warmth.

-- Finally finishing Ulysses. This is going to be the year, I can feel it.

-- Doing another mosaic project. Now that we have more space, I can safely mosaic without having to worry about Ian stepping on my discarded shards of glass and hurting himself. I could also have just been more careful in the past, but I am who I am.

-- Cheese. No explanation needed.

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