
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Back to Before 

One of my favorite parts of doing a show is being able to immediately flush all of its contents out of my brain afterwards. I'm sort of like a first generation iPhone in that I use up all of my available memory pretty quickly. Storing an hour's worth of monologues and lyrics makes it far more difficult for me to remember, say, the name of that concerningly perky woman in billing or where I saved that draft article about the Appointments Clause. So once I'm done functioning on stage I can return to functioning in actual life, at least insofar as I generally do.

Speaking of which, it has been quite a week. My Monday was packed with meetings and calls, which I opted to take from my bed desk with some Lifetime Castle marathon gently playing in the background. I had dental work done on Tuesday morning and therefore got to attend work with my tongue feeling like a dead tree limb in my mouth. I feel like my gentle lisping instilled confidence for my clients, though. Wednesday night we went out to the suburbs to see my sister's family and ended up attending a book fair, although Ian refused to buy me the "book" that was just a set of Legos with the instructions on the front of the box. Thursday was kind of a blur? Friday I worked and went up to the vet's office to pick up Aubrey's medications, which was as needlessly complicated as always. Oh, and went to see my friend's band in concert. On a Friday night! This led to me staying out well past my 10 PM bedtime and then sleeping until nearly 11 on Saturday. I'm wild, I tell you.

Anyway, I'm sure you all were hoping I would basically just dump the contents of my Outlook calendar into a post, so you're welcome.

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