
Sunday, June 11, 2023

Arts & Crafts 

The Old Town Art Fair is this weekend, which means thousands of people cram into my neighborhood to stroll past tents with art in them and get drunk in the street. After taking a few years off from the fair for COVID/general crankiness, we actually attended this year, which gave us an excuse to repeatedly say "nice weather for it" and "what do you think of that?" We did not linger long at any particular tent, as the fear of having to engage in conversation with strangers is very real to me. Nor did we make any purchases, since we are primarily investing in home repairs and beagle medications at present. But it was, in fact, nice weather for it, and we had a nice time.

Of course, what was not quite as nice was the party in honor of the occasion my neighbors two doors down had on their roof until the wee hours of this morning. I love flip cup and the hits of the late zeroes as much as anyone, but I tend to believe there is a time and place for them -- the time is any time I'm not trying to sleep and the place is the basement of the SAE house. Fortunately, going to a college where a freight train ran past my dorm at least twice a night taught me to sleep through almost anything, so the night was not a total loss.

And today it is raining. So local enthusiasm for art is likely to be diminished. Fortunately there is still television, and it is nice and dry.

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