
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Lake Life 

This weekend we went up to Delavan, Wisconsin, for a wedding. Our friends were getting married at an actual summer camp and we were all invited to stay in the cabins there, but I don't get on well with snakes and some of my other friends aren't into communal showering or mattresses two inches thick, so we got a house nearby. It may have been a stretch to put ten of us into a three bedroom, two bath house, but the price was right and everyone was fairly easygoing, so we made it work. Admittedly, some people were sleeping on air mattresses and futons, but there was not a reptile in sight.

The wedding featured a flash mob which, yes, we were in. We only had one rehearsal, so I felt a fair amount of concern that it would be a disaster, but it turned out pretty well. (And I saw the video, so it was not just the alcohol convincing me that all was right in the world.) There was, in fact, a fair amount of singing and dancing involved in the proceedings, but it was balanced with enough drinking and outdoorsiness to not become too cringeworthy. There was, in fact, archery. And whiskey tasting. What could possibly go wrong?

I did get an incredible number of mosquito bites on my ankles, which I will now be scratching at for the next week. I think of them as a sort of themed gift bag, though I might have preferred chocolate.

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