
Saturday, January 20, 2024

Cold, Snap 

It has been a wild weather week here in Chicago. Below zero temperatures (Fahrenheit, not Celsius, for the entire rest of the world) and a bit of snow. As regular readers of this space will know, cold weather makes me crazy. I had to wait ten minutes for trains a couple of times this week and I found myself swearing audibly to myself. Also, I wanted to scream at people on the train to take their goddamned backpacks off so they weren't constantly smacking others with them unintentionally. (This used to be an unwritten rule of train etiquette, along with maintaining respectful silence during rush hour, but of course COVID ruined everything.) So yes, things are going well. 

I did bring out my space heater at work. It has become one of my most treasured possessions, because I love to sit right over it and essentially roast myself, but I am also incredibly insecure about it, since it is technically against building policy. (Or maybe it's some kind of local ordinance, I don't know. It's not like I'm a lawyer or anything.) I hide it at night because I fear someone from building management taking it away, as I heard tell happened at my last building. Have space heaters actually led to towering infernos before and I just don't know about it? This is 100% possible given my level of awareness of news.

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