
Saturday, March 02, 2024

London Calling 

I have traveled to London and back and lived to tell the tale. Barely. I could not sleep on my flight out and therefore spent my first day wandering around in a haze thinking about whether I could maybe curl up and nap on a bench in St. Paul's. Also I did not get to shower for that first day, which is very important for you to remember as you analyze my hair in photos. Oh, and United served me alleged "cheese blintzes" which were covered in a sugary, syrupy mess that nearly brought the earlier "pesto pasta" back up. 

Anyway, it was a pretty good trip. I got some light tourism in, such as climbing up the dome of St. Paul's. 

See, there it is, looking all cathedrally. Note the absence of the sun, which was a near constant of my London experience.

When you get to the very top, like 7000 steps later, you're treated to this comically low railing and the sense that you could pitch to your death at any moment. I beat a hasty retreat, obviously. 

They also have a crypt, but not nearly as many big names as Westminster Abbey. Here's William Blake, whose memorial could frankly use a bit of a glow up.

Here I am crossing Millennium Bridge, on what I must stress was a very windy day. 

Tate Modern is still fine as hell. I did not partake of the Yoko Ono show, as I thought it might kill me in my sleep-deprived stupor. 

The scale is not readily apparent here, but this thing is like four stories tall. Reasonably badass. 

There is, obviously, more to tell, but I'm going to draw it out so I don't have to think of other content. Consider yourselves warned.

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