
Sunday, August 04, 2024

Busy B 

It's been kind of a crazy week, in that I have frequently engaged in activities other than working and watching television. Perhaps most notably, a friend invited me to see Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil at the Goodman on Thursday. It was definitely enjoyable, even though I had next to zero familiarity with the source material and frankly kind of don't get its appeal for people. The cast was strong and the score had some bangers in it. I found the structure to be a bit meandering and definitely could have gotten it done in under 2:45 if it were up to me, but obviously the internet has ruined my attention span. Oh, and we had dinner before, so hooray for eating!

After, however, I had forgotten about the menace that is Lollapalooza and ended up not being able to get an uber, waiting twenty minutes for the train, and then having to crowd in next to teenagers who literally seemed to be using lingerie as outerwear. Also it started pouring and I had to run home umbrellaless from the train station. We'll make this exhibit A for why I sometimes don't want to leave the house.

Friday and Saturday we babysat my niece and nephew, which was fun but exhausting. My nephew actually used our Oculus, which was the first time anyone has touched it in over a year, although my niece found it frightening and demanded that it immediately be removed from her head. I lost a Mario Party to my nephew and served as a method of conveyance for my niece. And, for a variety of reasons that I'd rather not relive, I slept on the floor in our guest room. Let's just say I'm unlikely to be forming a Babysitters Club any time soon. 

We went and saw friends last night, and tonight I'm off for dinner in the suburbs. Yes, the suburbs. Which suburb and where I dare not disclose, but you can go ahead and assume they are all equally glamorous.

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