
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Annual Winter Mind Loss Spectacular! 

I don't think it's a secret that Chicago winters tend to be a bit brutal. Why, acclaimed actress cum queer woman Sophia Bush even cited the deleterious effects of the season as one of her reasons for leaving her classic role as Erin Lindsay on the hit NBC TV series Chicago P.D. But each year as the fine, warm days of June linger on, it's easy to forget the horrors that will definitely await one sooner than one thinks. And then, in the bitter, sunless days of January, one notices that one is, in fact, building a cocoon out of one's bedsheets and spending three straight days half watching, half hallucinating old episodes of Criminal Minds. In short, madness that way lies, with a certainty and severity that cannot be overstated.

All in all, this year's case has been relatively mild, thanks to the intervention of some low-grade pharmaceuticals and a new season of The Traitors. But I have found myself a little lower than usual on motivation and enthusiasm, even for things I normally love like Murder, She Wrote and vacuuming up dog hair. So I've been trying to give myself a little bit of grace, as people on social media seem to be saying, by not chastising myself to severely for my failures to, say, turn out the Great American Novel or develop my Khloe Kardashian revenge body. Also my failure to say much of anything of interest on here, I might add. If you want entertainment, watch people dance in thirty second bursts on TikTok as the Chinese expect of you, please.

Anyway, I'm here and frankly have little reason to really complain. Which is not to say that I won't do so. This is still America, after all. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Super Sunday 

As there is literally no escaping knowing in the U.S., it was Super Bowl Sunday last weekend. There was a time when that would have meant me awkwardly staring at a giant TV at someone's house, pretending to understand the basic premise of football and hoping to find someone who would prefer to go into the other room and talk about The Real Housewives. (Also me eating my weight in dips, naturally.) But in recent years, Ian and I have abandoned the pretense of wanting to be part of this particular social custom, and our friends seem to be able to live without our glazed-over expressions and frequent trips to refresh our booze. So instead we spend Super Bowl Sunday as just another Sunday, doing whatever we need to do or feel like doing. It turns out it is a fine day to stock up on light bulbs at the Home Depot or place your extra complicated order at the Mariano's deli. It is also a great day to go to the movies, if like us you hate crowds and can't silence the voice in your head that says someone might shoot you during Madame Web.

This year we saw "I'm Still Here," a the Portuguese-language film nominated for Best Picture. I will not say I enjoyed it, as its subject matter is forced disappearances during the dictatorship in Brazil. But it was exceedingly well made and it both impacted me emotionally and gave me a lot to think about. I mean, yikes, maybe don't drag people from their homes, interrogate them so ferociously they end up dead, and lie about it for decades, eh? 

We also watched "Emilia Perez" last weekend, and god help me I liked it. Honestly, I was really nervous for like the first fifteen minutes or so when things were pretty manic, but it settled in to a nice semi-realistic groove and brought some really interesting dramatic scenarios into focus. I'm not cosigning anybody's tweets or anything, but it was a much better watch than I had feared it might be.

A lot of subtitle reading for one weekend, but that's still more appealing to me than watching the people knocking into each other for three hours.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Another Year... 

As though I needed another reminder that I am an adult man who makes snarky remarks about pop culture on a website that no one reads, I turned 47 this week. It was a gala affair that consisted, as per usual, of overpriced takeout and games devised by my niece and nephew to allow themselves to win. The former took the form of tacos and the latter of a forty-year-old Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur that now lacks the energy to do much damage to any enterprising cavemen. The upshot that I formally became another year older and yet no less childish. Such is life, one supposes.

Looking back on my 46th year, I have to say I pretty much nailed it. I had some interesting travels, fun creative projects, and lots of time with friends and family. Remember when I went to Mexico City and discovered both cultural anthropology and altitude sickness? Or when I strip mined my life experiences yet again for another evening of alleged comedy and obscure show tunes? Such great times. I mean, I didn't have quite the fantastic year Ariana Grande did, but I also didn't steal anyone's husband and have frequently been labeled as a girl's girl. 

As for my next year, I'm looking for more of same. Also to get my home office renovated so that my knees aren't constantly getting stuck under my desk any more. And to experience whatever amazing culinary inventions Taco Bell has in store. Who can wait?

Saturday, February 01, 2025

The Business of Show 

So I'm going to be performing another show this April. This time it will be stories and songs about my experiences in the 1980s, everyone's favorite decade of legwarmers and an AIDS crisis the president refused to even acknowledge for many years. I was a child for all of this decade, so obviously my insights will be significant. Oh, and I'm keeping it honest by ensuring that every single song I'm parodying came out in the 1980s, even though frankly a lot of the music from that era is the hottest of trash. Should be exciting!

Here's a promo photo, in case you're not convinced yet. I know this blog frequently moves markets and creates social movements, so obviously I must harness its immense power for my own self promotion. I'm not saying I like the world this way, I'm just recognizing it for what it is.

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