Saturday, February 08, 2025
Another Year...
As though I needed another reminder that I am an adult man who makes snarky remarks about pop culture on a website that no one reads, I turned 47 this week. It was a gala affair that consisted, as per usual, of overpriced takeout and games devised by my niece and nephew to allow themselves to win. The former took the form of tacos and the latter of a forty-year-old Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur that now lacks the energy to do much damage to any enterprising cavemen. The upshot that I formally became another year older and yet no less childish. Such is life, one supposes.
Looking back on my 46th year, I have to say I pretty much nailed it. I had some interesting travels, fun creative projects, and lots of time with friends and family. Remember when I went to Mexico City and discovered both cultural anthropology and altitude sickness? Or when I strip mined my life experiences yet again for another evening of alleged comedy and obscure show tunes? Such great times. I mean, I didn't have quite the fantastic year Ariana Grande did, but I also didn't steal anyone's husband and have frequently been labeled as a girl's girl.
As for my next year, I'm looking for more of same. Also to get my home office renovated so that my knees aren't constantly getting stuck under my desk any more. And to experience whatever amazing culinary inventions Taco Bell has in store. Who can wait?